The NHS Blood Drive— Everything You Need to Know


Mariam Elayan, Writer

Are you interested in donating blood, and potentially saving a life? Now’s your chance!

The National Honor Society is bringing back its annual blood drive from pre-COVID times on June 6, 2023. It will be running from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 a.m., located in the media center at Emerson Junior-Senior High School. This is the perfect opportunity to support a good cause. In order to donate blood, there are requirements that must be met.

All of the donations will be sent locally to hospitals in Bergen County. This means that by donating blood, you can be helping out an individual you may know. Donating blood can have a huge impact on lives. Every year, nearly five million Americans are in need of a blood transfusion. This translates to an individual needing blood every two seconds. One donor has the ability to save up to three lives through the components of blood— plasma, red blood cells, and platelets. Each has its own functions and can benefit three different people. 

For starters, a blood donor has to be at least sixteen years old. Anyone under eighteen interested in donating blood will need to sign a parental consent form in order to proceed with the donation. As a safety precaution, donors must also weigh at least 110 lbs. 

In preparation for the donation, be sure to stay hydrated the entire day before. On the actual donation day, individuals should consume a low-fat meal and drink 8-16 ounces of fluid thirty minutes prior. Additionally, be sure to bring your ID for verification. These are all of the requirements set in place to ensure the safety of the donors. 

The entire process is fairly quick and simple. The donor will have to complete a questionnaire regarding health history and medications. This is to verify the eligibility of the donor and prevent the risk of spreading any infectious diseases. Once the questionnaire is completed, the staff will insert a sterile needle into the donor’s arm, extracting one pint of blood. Afterward, donors will be asked to remain in the area for approximately 15 minutes, allowing their bodies to adjust. During this waiting period, donors will be given refreshments. 

If you or someone you know is interested in donating blood, schedule an appointment using the following link: Be sure to spread the word!