NAHS’s Next Creation: A Haring-Inspired Mural

What’s with the blank wall by the Middle School bathroom? 

The National Art Honor Society is going to be painting a mural inspired by Keith Haring. Keith Haring is most known for his unique art style and his vibrant eye-catching colors, and NAHS will be painting all different types and forms of his art on the walls. 

Art teachers Courtney Rojas and Allison Johansen are running this project, and we are all very excited to see what NAHS has in store for us and can’t wait to see the end result. 

A detailed template is taped to the desk used for Hall Duty, and passersby can catch a glimpse of what promises to be a fun and energetic display that will brighten the corridor.

“I’m very excited this year to be painting another mural. I had a lot of fun painting last year’s mural, and I’m sure this one will be just as good,” said Samaria Rivera, an NAHS member.