A Year in Photos: 2020

2020 has been a year like no other. With it came frustration and sadness, but also, reflection and gratitude. The following photos taken by Emerson journalism students, tell the story of 2020 through images. 

I took this photo of Emerson Jr. Sr. High School after my tennis practice in the fall. I was struck by the fact that there were only three cars parked in what is normally a bustling parking lot. With students switching to all online classes, there was no reason for the staff to come to the school. Even though the school looked barren, the sunset made the moment less eerie. Now, everytime I look at the photo, it keeps me going with any struggles I’m dealing with. 

– Brianna Benitez

While working at the restaurant, P.J. Finnegan’s, my coworker, Delia, and I eagerly awaited for customers to arrive. After restaurants were closed for the initial shutdown, many businesses struggled without the income they were used to. Going back to work was exciting, especially over the summer when it was busy; however, as the weather got colder, fewer customers came in. The limited seating and inability to sit outside due to cold weather put a strain on businesses once again. Going back to work was an interesting change, but it was enjoyable to work again and see my work friends. 

– Jessica Coyle

I took this photo on a nature walk with some of my friends up by Nyack, New York. We were walking when I spotted …got down to an angle where I could take this. I think the symbolism of something so out of place (in this case, a fire hydrant in the woods) could still be so pretty. It reminded me how this year has been strange and awful in most cases, yet I have still been able to find the beauty in things; enjoying the summer, nature walks and connecting with the outdoors much more, and the beauty in how 2020 has made me grow as a person. I’ve definitely matured, and learned how to deal with my own issues much better. I would not trade it for anything. Except maybe normality again. 

– Alex Froehlich

When the pandemic first started, many people were panicking and cleaned out the shelves at local supermarkets and stores. Many of the products that were taken mostly from these shelves were the important things we needed such as food and water. This caused supermarkets and local businesses to go into a period where they had a shortage of mostly everything such as toilet paper, food, and cleaning accessories. 

– Kenny Gompertz 

During the pandemic a lot of the gyms were closed so I had to improvise and workout at home with whatever equipment I could find. Having the ability to work out, lift, and just have goals for myself helped me get through the year. 

– Dylan Kase

 Being a Senior is the highlight of everyone’s high school days. Unfortunately my grade and I won’t have a typical senior year. The worldwide pandemic has unfortunately ruined our senior year. We don’t get to go to school with all our friends who we have known since  kindergarten. We don’t get pep rallies or student sections – nothing typical high school seniors look forward to. Everything has been taken away from us. Despite all of the disappointments, we are happy to get through it together and come out stronger in the end. 

– Tori Hopkins 

Taking a picture of my sisters and I on the first day of school has been a tradition since my family moved here in 2011. My two younger sisters and I stand on our driveway in front of our house before our parents drive us to school. While this year’s picture was different from previous years, it still felt special since we were all together and an important year for us all. I started high school, my younger sister started seventh grade in the high school, and my youngest sister started kindergarten. 

– Juliana Palladino

While grocery shopping with my mom, I noticed how strange and different Shoprite was. People had to remain six feet apart and wear masks, there were one-way aisles, sanitizing stations and signs everywhere with guidelines people had to follow. Everyone was more cautious towards each other. People were more worrisome and aware of their surroundings.This shows how all of the uncertainty in the world has changed everything, even the simple task of grocery shopping. 

– Marissa Eng

This summer I worked for the Willie Wilson Theater Arts Program, a children’s theater camp in Washington Township, a three week in person camp.Since this camp could not do a live production of The Little Mermaid and Legally Blonde,they decided to make a film and show it to family and friends as a drive-in movie. All of the actors wore face shields or a mask and were kept socially distant. It was nerve racking. I felt nervous that the children and their family’s safety, as well as my own, was in my hands. 

– Emily Butler  

Normally, the first football game of the season is the most exciting, but this year lacked the same excitement. Limited number of people in the stands, masks on, and social distancing. This impacted the players and fans in the stand. It was disappointing not seeing the Cavo Crazies or enjoying the delicious food at the game. 

– Isabella Hall

In the past year, because of this pandemic, people have been cleaning everywhere. Also, because it has become so common, it is surprising yet understandable why one day I found Windex in the fridge. We have all been cleaning like crazy because of COVID-19, and it has become more and more natural and usual to do so. So, it is not so insane to think that somebody may misplace a bottle of cleaner, even if that place is the fridge. 

– Jack Chaneski

I was stepping out of my house on Furman Drive when I noticed a beautiful, picturesque sunset. The sunset was calming and nice to look at. It made me think that despite all that we had been through this past year  there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and to keep having hope. 2020 has been a rough year with many obstacles, but we will overcome this.  

– Joya Mattera

With a pandemic happening and schools shutting down, students can have online classes from anywhere on the planet. My family and I go here to St. Martin every year and even though everything is still here, there is the obvious financial impact due to Covid-19. The water is still blue but there are less people here to enjoy it. 

– Jaden Todd

COVID 19 affected everything, even senior year. For the first time, seniors had a pumpkin patch where we painted pumpkins for Halloween. This is a photo of us trying to enjoy our year to the extent that they could. 

– Jude Mazzola

During the pandemic, I picked up some new hobbies, one of them being longboarding and skateboarding.  I was bored all the time and picking up new hobbies gave me something to do.It took time to get good at it, but I did it almost every day and it was a lot of fun. 

– Anthony Paino 

When I went to the DMV to get my license it was very crowded and packed due to COVID. With the restrictions people weren’t allowed to go to the DMV but since they opened up people have started to go again. I was very excited to go and get my license but I had to wait there for 4 hours. 

– Anthony Sturm