This March marks the five year anniversary of the Covid-19 lockdown
As we all remember, a national emergency was declared on March 13, 2020, changing the trajectory of our lives at the time. A two-week break from school quickly turned into a more permanent situation. From then on, the U.S. was on lockdown. Flights were cancelled and travel was prohibited. Students resorted to zoom calls for online school, and college students were unable to return to campus.
Soon, Covid-19 overtook the news, social media, and our lives. Many lost their jobs, were stuck states away from home, or were unable to seek medical care due to over populated hospitals. Six feet social distancing rules and proper PPE were promptly enforced. The economy had to adapt to the new mandates. Stores offered pick up from the parking lot and online shopping was on the rise. Working from home became the new norm. Everyone wondered when our lives would return to normal.
Yaneira Rijo shared her experience during lockdown. “I think it was a confusing experience, but for the majority of people it was good because you had time to spend time with family.”
Although, the lockdown wasn’t all bad. Many found that it gave them the opportunity to grow closer bonds with their families. Being in close quarters with family would usually evoke tension, but in many cases it did the opposite. Families found creative ways to cure boredom. People spent more time outside and going for walks. Even though the country was stuck in their houses, they found ways to stay in touch with the family and friends. Outdoor events and activities kept people busy during the pandemic.
After over three years, the Covid-19 pandemic was declared over in May of 2023, though most states returned to normalcy by 2021.