I.C.E (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) officers have been going into places that had been prohibited to enter before like schools, workplaces, and churches, and many people who are undocumented fear they’ll be taken away unjustly. This has affected families in multiple ways, causing it to be hard to even go outside and do regular activities without worrying about what could possibly happen.
People of all ages are at risk, and are being targeted by I.C.E because of the unfair and racist practices and policies of the current administration. This has alarmed people within small and large communities around many states, and driven them to protest against these raids and deportations.
These protests are led by people who believe in keeping families together, and stopping discrimination towards all immigrants in general. People of all ages have come together to join and protest along side one another, fighting for their loved ones and being a voice for the people who the country won’t listen to or see for their true potential and worth. Even high school students at Alameda International Jr./Sr. High School in Lakewood, Colorado have walked out to protest the trampling of immigrants’ rights.
Furthermore, these protests are important because it shows the government people won’t be silent and will speak up about this very important issue.
Briella Donahue said, “These protests are impactful because they show that the people are united. While there are people who agree with the immigration policies being passed and the rhetoric told by the current administration, not everyone does. These protests show that there will always be a fight for justice, no matter the generation, as long as there are injustices still taking place.”
Briella also said, “I think that it is sad that these protests have to happen in the first place, but it is important that people stand up for their rights when they are not being protected by their own government. Immigrants, undocumented or not, have rights – everyone as a human being has natural born rights, rights that are also stated in the Declaration of Human Rights… rights that should be protected by all governments.”
Laura Menez Lopez said, “These protests affect the people around me because it shows that people are stronger as a community and supporting one another can change the environment in a positive way.”
Immigrants in this country are not threats, or dangerous, and people need to be aware of how these raids and deportations are affecting people.