Let me ask you something, who teaches Journalism? I mean, if you’re reading this, you must know we have a Journalism class filled with students who produce these articles, but who teaches it? The answer is Mrs. Martinucci. She teaches Journalism as well as Language Arts to 8th graders. She is also the Co-Advisor to the Journalism Club, along with Mrs. McClure who teaches Language Arts to 7th graders.
You might know her as the weirdly-energetic lady with gray hair who you see in the halls. Mrs. Martinucci is a woman who is passionate about Journalism – for some unknown reason.
She tried to explain when she said, “I love writing, and if I can share that joy and enthusiasm, I consider it a good day. I want my students to find ways to express themselves, and news articles can be short and sweet, or serious and informative, without all the stress you might get from writing a research paper or college essay”.
When asked how she impacts everyday students she stated, “Those lucky kids get to learn, be entertained, and bask in the glow of my amazingness – but seriously, I try to make the content of my lessons accessible and memorable, and I strive to make class – dare I say – enjoyable.”
Her advice to students is, “Give yourself a chance before you think you can’t do something. You are so much more capable of awesomeness than you think!”
I know you’re thinking, “Why should I care?”, but if you’ve disliked anything you’ve read in The Cavo Chronicles, then you have to complain, um, refer to her. Mrs. Martinucci is the one who makes sure that the articles are written and edited, and decides what gets published. (Co-Advisor to the Journalism Club, Mrs. McClure also has a say in what goes where, when, and how.)
The next time you want to make a comment about something on this site, remember Mrs. Martinucci, the one whom you should complain, I mean, refer to. Though if it’s a compliment about something on the site, then you should definitely find the author and give them the compliment personally.
If you’re interested in writing for The Cavo Chronicles, please reach out to Mrs. Martinucci or Mrs. McClure. They’ll be happy to hear from you.