Emerson’s Annual Fall Pep Rally took place on Friday, September 20th, with hundreds of students eager to get energetic and show their support for their classes.
Every year, the pep rally stimulates students and staff with spirited performances, and helps to produce school pride and enthusiasm for the upcoming events. This year, the gym was filled with excitement as cheerleaders, athletes, and student leaders rallied support for their teams, encouraging a sense of community and companionship.
Senior Hugh Hennessy stated, “Since I am a senior I feel that it will be a great ending to the class of ‘25 pep rally performances. The seniors will win the pep rally this fall because our class has such great passion and spirit.”
He added, “I can’t wait for one last pep rally. I will be missing going to school with my friends and having such great teachers. High school at Emerson has been truly fun because of the culture the community creates. My favorite part of the pep rally has to be getting fired up with your class and being the loudest group in the gym.”
Like Hennessy, so many EJSHS students enjoy the excitement and energy that the pep rallies give, as well as the sense of school spirit and unity.
That’s the point, isn’t it? The pep rallies are based around the school coming together as one.
As a Cavo tradition, themes are created for each of the six grades. Each grade is assigned a theme by their class advisors. This year was made up of the Seventh Grade Super Mario Brothers, the Eighth Grade Electrolytes, the Floaty Freshmen, the Spongebob Sophomores, the Justice League Juniors, and the Senior Scarers. In addition, most doors in the building were decorated with artwork by the different grade levels, and students dressed up during Spirit Week wearing school colors, class colors, surfer or biker gear, etc.
Add to that, students participated in a series of events to show off their strength and endurance – like tug of war and bobbing for apples!
When observing the bleachers of each grade, something stood out this year about the seventh graders: a very special person named Jennifer Ondish, a Bergen County Special Service Sign Language Assistant. It was remarkable to see Ms. Ondish sign to one of the students. She was outstanding, telling him everything that was going on so he could truly experience the pep rally. Ms. Ondish should be honored in this school as much as students honor the other amazing teachers they have. Thank you for your service to this school!
Speaking of amazing, Supervisor of Instruction Mr. Brian Ponchak has tried for many years to score a half-court shot. This year, after intense practice and dogged commitment, he finally made the shot! The whole school came together into one big group, jumping around him and screaming with excitement.

After a few minutes, the students all settled down to their sides of the bleachers cheering him on until the bell rang. The quote he has always used before taking his shots is, “You miss one-hundred percent of the shots you don’t take,” and this time, his quote really made an impact. The shock the whole school had when he made that shot, shook each and everyone. Everyone smiling and screaming was a true core memory of this school that will stay with us forever.
As the gym emptied, one thing was clear: Emerson pride was stronger than ever before!