Enjoying the Jam


E. Martinucci

Kai and Max brought the Eagles’ “Heartache Tonight” to the party.

Erica Martinucci, Writer

The Middle School Outdoor Jam Session (sponsored by Mr. Deo) was definitely the musical high point of last week.  What?  You missed it?  What was it?  Well, consider it a mini Cavopalooza.

On Wednesday, May 10th, about a dozen students came together to share their love of music, and celebrate it in the grass and sunshine by the baseball field.  A small and enthusiastic audience gathered to bob their heads to the music, and cheer on their friends.  Teachers, aides, and students couldn’t help but smile with each strum and hum.

Mia and Danielle blended their beautiful voices for Dodie’s “Dear Happy”. (E. Martinucci)

The setlist included:

“Dear Happy” – Dodie (sung by Mia Woodward and Danielle Abad – who also played the ukelele)
“Beggin'” – Maneskin (with David Kim on bass guitar)
“Sorry for Me” – Ricky Montgomery (sung by Aruwyn Connor)
“Heartache Tonight” – The Eagles (with Max Aquila on drums & Kai Aquila on {a really snazzy sparkly red} guitar)
“Dire, Dire Docks” – Super Mario 64 Soundtrack (with Sal Calafiore on keyboards & Grant Congiusti on drums)
Sal’s focus and flying fingers captivated us all. (E. Martinucci)

There were even roadies who helped bring out, set up, and lug back the equipment.

Mr. Ullman and Mr. Lione were also in attendance, and the duo looked pretty impressed.  Judging by the applause and hoots of approval, they weren’t the only ones.

Some students shared that they had practiced for days, while others sheepishly admitted to just looking at the music the day before.

Either way, a good time was had by all.  It was great to see everyone smiling and involved, and you have to give credit to the performers who took a risk by sharing their musical talents on nature’s stage.  Brave and beautiful!

If you missed this jam, you missed out.  Keep your eyes and ears open for the next one.

It’s totally worth it.


Aruwyn sang Ricky Montgomery’s “Sorry for Me” with heart and soul. (E. Martinucci)
How cool is this guitar? (E. Martinucci)