The Cavo Crown

November 17, 2022
You’ve heard of “The Cavo Cup”, but what is “The Cavo Crown”? A plethora of students are wondering about the same question. Senior Class Co-Advisors Sharon McClure and Jen Norato have the answer.
A fun event for all to enjoy, proceeds from The Cavo Crown will go to the Senior Class, so encourage your friends and family to come out and see the show on Tuesday, November 22nd, at 7:00 pm in the auditorium.
“The Cavo Crown is a talent show and a benefit for the senior class,” explains Language Arts Teacher and Senior Class Co-Advisor, Sharon McClure. Aside from songs, dances, and skits, there’ll also be a dazzling display of the “soon-to-be-famous casual Cavowear!”, Social Studies Teacher and Co-Advisor Jen Norato promises.
It will showcase seniors who are willing to show off their talents in order to win the crown. In addition to the entertainment up on stage, there will be raffles, and a tasty assortment of refreshments for sale – all sponsored by Project Graduation.
The Cavo Crown is the new and improved version of Mr Cavo. Mr Cavo was originally a parody of a beauty contest with limited participation to only the young men of senior classes, while the new Cavo Crown is welcoming to all seniors who wish to celebrate their own talents and abilities.
Ask any veteran teacher at EHS about Mr. Cavo, and you’re sure to get a smile and a story.
“One winner re-enacted the final dance scene from Dirty Dancing, but instead of Jennifer Grey jumping into his waiting arms, an inflatable doll was thrown into them from off-stage. Another winner dressed as Olivia Newton John from her “Physical” video, and had the audience rolling with laughter as he performed his aerobics routine in neon spandex on stage and on the judges’ table!” remembers Language Arts Teacher, Erica Martinucci.
The winners of the Cavo Crown will be determined by a panel of judges (made up of teachers and school staff), and the decision will be based on the competitors’ performances that evening. The winner will be announced on that very night live on stage.
This new iteration of Mr. Cavo is sure to be a crowd pleaser, but the contestants have been quiet about their talents – for now.
Buy your tickets now! Pre-sale online tickets are $5 for students, and $10 for adults.