En Garde! Fencing His Way to Success

January 21, 2022
The bustling sound of metal clanging and shouting fills the massive New Jersey convention room. Youths of all ages stand around and watch various pairs of people fighting. People that have never met are matched together to fight, being scored points for every hit until one wins. But this isn’t MMA. This is fencing.
One of the boys competing is Wesley Doran, a 15-year-old from Texas. He’s come almost 2,000 miles just to compete in this tournament. Doran steps forward and hits his opponent in their torso, one of the main areas that can be awarded points after being hit. This is his winning point, and everyone circling the match cheers. Doran immediately checks to see who he gets to face next.
Doran has been fencing since 2015 when he was 8 years old. We asked him a few questions about fencing and why he does it all.
How did you first get into fencing?
When I was younger, I was looking for a new sport to try out. A place near where I lived was giving out free lessons, so I decided to try it out.
How does fencing affect your school life?
I have to travel often so I miss a lot of school. It gets pretty bad sometimes, I miss a lot of quizzes and tests. I get really behind in school and sometimes it’s hard to catch up.
What other activities do you do besides fencing?
When I’m not fencing, I go on trips with my Boy Scout troop and hang out with my friends. I also love eating waffles.
Doran and his Boy Scout troop hang out on an adventure in Philmont, New Mexico.
Why do you like fencing?
I get to travel a lot and go to places I haven’t been. And I’m good so I win a lot, and winning is pretty nice.
Would you recommend fencing to younger kids?
Yes, because the sooner you start it will help you in the long run. Fencing is also beneficial for college because it’s such an unusual sport.
What future goals do you have for your fencing career?
I’d like to try to fence in college, and if possible, go to the Olympics.
Doran has big dreams and has been working hard to reach them for a long time. He continues to fence and sharpen his skills. He is looking forward to all of the tournaments to come and he hopes to inspire many with his dedication.
Doran, right, training with a friend.