Which Type of Bullying Affects Someone the Most

June 9, 2021
Bullying happens all over the World at any time and anywhere. There are two main types of bullying, one being cyberbullying and one being in-person/physical bullying. Neither of them is a really easy thing to deal with, but which one affects a person more?
The dictionary definition of cyberbullying is, ¨The use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.¨
This is a nice way to put it. Cyberbullying can go from 0-10 extremely quickly and while it is usually by an unknown person but, sometimes it could be from someone you know very well. There are a million examples of cyberbullying, big and small. With cyberbullying, it is much easier to hide from the rest of the world because people do not just go on your computer or your phone. Unfortunately, sometimes it gets to be too much for some people to take.
According to multiple news sources, ¨Amanda Michelle Todd was a 15-year-old Canadian student and victim of cyberbullying who hung herself at her home in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada.¨
According to TUW, ¨Victims can suffer because of cyberbullying long after it ends. Being bullied can lead to a lifetime of low self-esteem. This may cause chronic fatigue, insomnia, and poor performance in school or at work.¨
The people on the other side of the screen are not thinking about who they are hurting. Most of the time they are trying to make themselves feel better.
The difference between physical and cyberbullying is that physical bullying is in person.
The most used definition for physical bullying is, ¨ The use of physical actions to intimidate and gain control over a target. The physical actions are unwanted by the victim and can either cause damage to their body or possessions.¨
When thinking of physical bullying people think of punches or hits and stuff, but it is not just that. It could be someone taking your pencil and just snapping it for absolutely no reason.
Every single person is going to handle being bullied in an extremely different way. There is no guide on how to react. Some people may go to an adult or tell a friend, while others may be too embarrassed and just keep it to themselves.
In conclusion, it all depends on the person you are and what someone can take. No one can say that their bullying was worse than someone else’s. It is all a matter of perspective and how you take it.