The Downsides of Owning a Dog and the Responsibilities


Daniel Xelhua, Writer

Owning pets or specifically any type of animal comes with huge responsibilities. This topic started to become more popular when kids started to want a pet of their own. Dogs are mostly popular in the U.S. Why owning dogs can come with downsides is because there are a lot of expenses. Owning a dog can be dreadful because they need a lot of attention and they need a good space to call and feel like home. 

According to,“Pet ownership is not cheap. When you take on a pet, you are adding another family member.” 

As you can see, when you take ownership of a dog, you are required to treat it as if it was your own son/daughter . The financial commitment includes food and medical care, such as neutering and vaccinations. The annual estimate for financial commitment is around $450 and that is not including the basic supplies. You also have to consider when your dog gets sick you have to take it to seek medical attention. As pets age they are more prone to developing medical conditions and that requires you to take them for additional vet visits that are not cheap.  

According to, “Pets such as dogs and cats are social creatures, often thriving when they have the companionship of other people and animals.”

Then the second and most important part of owning a dog is the companionship and attention it requires. The reason for this is because you want them to be well behaved family members. You can do this by training them yourself which is the type of bonding you and your pet must have. In addition, taking your dog out for walks and taking them to different environments is how you and your pets’ relationship can get stronger. 

According to, “Having a pet requires thinking ahead. If you leave town, you must have someone tasked with caring for your pet in your absence.”

Having a dog can take up a lot of responsibilities like making sure you plan accordingly if you do ever decide to go on vacation. Or if you ever do decide to take your dog with you that is another responsibility like making sure you have food,water and toys to bring with you. A dog also has to be trained to behave in other places such as planes. If you decide to leave your dog with someone you have to make sure they are trustworthy and up to the challenge of taking care of a dog.