President Trump Refuses Loss and Claims Voter Fraud

Alexandra Belevan, Writer

Days after the presidential election, President Donald Trump has decided to not concede and is continuing to make accusations of voter fraud in numerous states, despite his projected loss. Former Vice President Joe Biden has been declared the President-Elect by various media sources, but the President continues to ignore it and will not work with him to make a smooth transition.

This election was certainly different than previous years because of the COVID -19 pandemic, which caused people to vote through mail-in ballots prior to election day on November 3. Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate, encouraged mail-in voting in order to maintain safety with such a deadly virus. 

President Trump, however, encouraged his Republican supporters to vote in person in fear of election fraud and abuse with the mail-in votes.

The election ultimately came down to four states – Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Nevada (in terms of the Electoral College). Though on election day President Trump was leading in Pennsylvania and Georgia, those states quickly turned around after the mail-in votes started being counted. 

After seeing that some states had gone blue, President Trump had made some statements on Twitter that many people saw as controversial. 

“STOP THE COUNT!” and “ANY VOTE THAT CAME IN AFTER ELECTION DAY WILL NOT BE COUNTED!” were both tweets from President Trump that many people saw as a threat to America’s democracy. 

President Trump had also tweeted, “All of the recent Biden claimed States will be legally challenged by us for Voter Fraud and State Election Fraud. Plenty of Proof – just check out the Media. WE WILL WIN! America First.”

The President had only made these statements when a state had changed to be in the favor of Joe Biden, and not when any state had turned to be red.

There have also been claims of voter fraud in Michigan and Wisconsin because of an alleged dump of votes that were all for Joe Biden. These claims, however, have since been debunked. 

According to Reuters, a notable fact-checking source, “One large jump of almost 140,000 ballots in Michigan was due to a clerical error that has since been resolved.”

The claims of voter fraud in Wisconsin have also been debunked. 

According to Reuters, “FiveThirtyEight told Reuters that it is not true that Biden received all the votes in the overnight dump: “These batches were NOT 100% Biden votes; behind the blue line, there is also a red line representing the thousands of votes Trump gained. There are also counter examples, where Trump’s line shoots up suddenly when a favorable batch of results are reported.”

President Trump will continue to take these states, along with others, to the Supreme Court in hopes that there is enough proof for fraud. According to USA Today, President Trump is suing Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and Wisconsin. The Trump Campaign has said they will request a recount for Wisconsin, but it has not yet officially been done. 

While these lawsuits are currently pending, President Trump has still failed to inform President-Elect Joe Biden’s team on a transition process. 

According to Politico, “…the General Services Administration — the agency that certifies presidential transitions — is still blocking Biden’s transition team from accessing government resources.”

President Trump is failing to concede and is still claiming that he will win the election, despite all of the projected calls by the media. 

Biden’s team has been prepared for these circumstances and will be ready to take over once the election is official.

As for President Trump, the country is in his hands and he needs to make a decision on what is best for the country, and best for the people.