Should All Students Be Able To Go Into School Together?

Briella Kellish, Writer

The 2020-2021 school year is definitely one for the books. Schools across the country are running differently than past years due to the ongoing pandemic. Here at Emerson Junior Senior High School, the students have been split up into an “A” group, and a “B” group to keep the number of students in the school down. 

Many students do not like how all the students are split up into two different days. Senior Taylor Rausch states, 

“Not going to school with all my friends makes me feel like I am missing out on the memories we could be making as a whole grade.”

 This senior is saying that she is upset that we all do not get to spend our senior year together, and we are not able to make memories together that will last with us for years to come. I agree with Taylor, because we are missing out on all the fun, senior year, activities that the past seniors were able to do.   Like going to Six Flags for a senior trip, having prom, having the Fall pep rally, etc. 

Many students also feel that sports play a huge factor in their opinion on how the school is running this year. Senior Tyler Reissner states, 

“I think that what is going on is ok as long as sports still happen. And I would love by the end of the year for everyone to go back together so our senior year can be fun and enjoyable.” 

Many athletes like Tyler are worried about their seasons and if they will be able to play the sports that they love. 

In my personal opinion, I believe that we should all be allowed to go to school together. We are all wearing masks and at Emerson they now have one way hallways where all the students are walking one way together. Emerson has not seen more than two cases since September, and I believe that we are doing everything possible to try and make it a safe learning environment. Considering that emerson is such a small town, the cohorts are a lot smaller than most schools, which means we are able to have more students in the school.