Ban the Blocks

Louden Mazzeo, Writer

    In Emerson Junior-Senior High School, junior high middle school students have to go through a two hour dreadful math and language arts class, which is considered to be helpful towards students. When I was in middle school, I did not like the block schedules due to how long each class would drag on for. 

    The purpose of two hour block schedule classes were to help improve students’ abilities in that certain subject. This included math and language arts, which most teachers believe it is most necessary for students. I believe block classes was an important way to help improve students’ learning skills in those subjects, but I thought it was too long for students. When I was in middle school and had block classes, each class would drag and sometimes it caused my classmates and I not to like that class anymore.

    When interviewing past middle schoolers of Emerson Junior- Senior High School, they stated their opinions on block classes:

     Anthony Paino, a sophmore, stated, “I hated it, but I believe it is somewhat necessary. It definitely helps with bringing up grades and improving their skills in that subject.” 

    Logan Mazzeo, a senior, stated,  “I don’t like them, they’re boring.”

    Joey Sabatella, another senior, stated, “I think it is important because those are important topics and it is good that students have more time to learn the topic, but I didn’t like it when I was in middle school.”

    Due to the block classes, world language is only a half semester. I believe world language is an important subject to learn because most of the world speaks other languages in addition to english. 

    Also, for middle school students who are part of the chorus and band, they do not have enough class time to learn. Due to the block classes, choir and band only have time during activity period, which takes time away from students’ ability to do homework or go see a teacher.

    I believe because of these factors that block schedules take over, middle school students should not have any type of two hour block schedules. Every class is an important part of a students’ learning, not just language arts and math. Ban the blocks!