Juul: From a Trend to a Threat
October 17, 2019
According to the New York Times, the latest tally includes 275 reports of patients who are sick from vaping in 46 states. There also have been 12 recorded deaths associated with lung injuries. A juuling device is a device that uses an internal, regulated heating mechanism that creates an easily inhaled aerosol. Juuling, which started as a “cool” trend, now is a threat to teenagers’ well-being.. Juuling has become very common with teenagers while hanging out, and even during school. It has higher concentrations of nicotine than any other e-cigarettes do, causing to be very addictive and harmful particularly for teenagers. It is known to damage the brain and lungs, especially during adolescence.
Since juuls are very small, similar to a USB drive, they can easily be hidden and used wherever. Juuls are continuously being used in schools and in classrooms. Teachers across the world are finding students juuling in the middle of class. Students take a hit, and blow the smoke into their shirt or backpack, act like nothing happened, and continue on with the lesson. It is certainly becoming a problem. Some students cannot handle seven hours without their juuls, and have to use them every hour.
The “juul” was created to prevent adults from smoking cigarettes. However, it had the opposite effect. A study according to the National Health Center says that non smoking adults were four times more likely to start smoking cigarettes after only 18 months of vaping. The nicotine volume in juuls is twice the amount than in an e-cigarette, which increases the risks of addiction. A study done by the UK’s Royal College of Psychiatrists showed that nicotine is as addictive as cocaine and even more addictive than alcohol and anti-anxiety drugs.
Stores make it very easy for teenagers to get juuls, juul pods, or any type of vape. Most convenience stores do not ask for an ID or any type of verification to prove that customers are 21 or above. Teenagers also buy juuls, juul pods, etc. through ebay to make it easier for them. After finding out that juul pods and juul devices are being sold on ebay, the FDA contacted eBay to raise concerns about listings of juul products on the website, resulting in the removal of the listings and the creation of measures to prevent new listings from being posted. A survey was made to see the percentage of under age vaping. Eighty percent of 12th graders and forty-six percent of 8th graders reported they could easily get vaping devices, more this year than last year.
Juul labs are currently facing lawsuits in many states claiming that their products were directly aimed towards youth under the legal smoking age. The FDA plans to create strict policies for e-cigarette companies, including juuls, that are marketing their products to children and teenagers.
Juuls are most definitely a nightmare for every parent, school administration, and especially teenagers. The popularity of juuls exposes teenagers to a large amount of nicotine that could risk their physical and emotional health. Although they are called e-cigarettes, they do not look like them. They were made so teens can use them secretly without parents, teachers, or any adults noticing.