Why Students At EHS Should Take Journalism


Brianna Leach and Kara Long

While students at EHS have already selected their electives for the 2022-2023 school year, if there needs to be a change in your schedules, we suggest trying out journalism. Otherwise, you can always select it for the 2023-2024 school year as well. Below is a list of reasons why Journalism Honors is a great choice for an elective.

  • Flexible Deadlines

While it is an honors class, students are encouraged to write articles and complete assignments by a long-term due date. This method has been very successful in our class as it gives writers an opportunity to prioritize articles or assignments however they choose. As events quickly come and go, it is important to have flexible deadlines. 

  • Independent or Partner Writing

With all journalism levels combined into one classroom, it is difficult to develop a unique article. In our class, we are able to write articles with a partner who also shares a similar interest in the article’s topic, therefore, nobody has to discard their ideas. Writers can also work independently if they choose.

  • Variety

Students are encouraged to write about topics that they are truly passionate about, therefore, topics are not limited. With the various types of articles in addition to the broad range of topics, opportunities are endless. Students can review movies, voice their opinions, summarize school events, and more. As long as the topic is school appropriate, your writing will not be censored.

  • Subsequent Levels

Journalism 2 Honors and Journalism 3 Honors are also introduced after completing all of the prerequisites. After completing Journalism 1 Honors, if you decide you are truly passionate about journalism, you can always choose to continue.

  • Risk- Free

Finally, and most importantly, there is no risk in taking journalism. With the amount of freedom that comes with writing, you are sure to love it. Even if you decide you do not want to continue taking journalism after completing the first level, you still will have developed your writing skills over time which is beneficial for any career path you choose to take. 

Overall, Journalism can prepare you for important aspects of life. It does not matter if you want to pursue journalism as a career or not, this class will prepare you for all writing skills such as writing a proper email or essay. Taking this course is risk-free and definitely worth your time.